Procedure Info

Laser Hair removal is a convenient and noninvasive method of permanently removing or reducing the amount of hair on your face or body. When you choose laser hair removal, it will leave your skin looking smoother than other methods. Waxing is know to stretch skin, damaging collagen after time, leading to saggy, wrinkly tissue. Laser hair removal is a gentle technique that can treat larger areas with minimal discomfort.

Am I a good candidate?

Am I a good candidate?

There are several reasons one may want to choose laser hair removal:

  • You have unwanted hair on your face or body that may make you feel self conscious
  • You are looking for something to replace waxing, shaving or plucking
  • You have dark body hair and lighter complexion

Age, ethnicity, medication, hormone levels and body area affect the length, coarseness and color of body hair, which in turn will influence the results of any cosmetic laser treatment. Our laser will perform on skin types I-IV. Refer to the image of the Fitzpatrick Scale to see if our laser will work for your skin type.

How is it performed?

Prior to treatment, you will be fitted with eye shields to protect your eyes. Patients must be sure to shave the day prior to treatment. A cold gel device will then be applied to protect the outer layers of the skin.

Our GentleLase laser will be adjusted to your skin color and the color, location and thickness of the hair that is going to be removed. We will direct a test pulse light to the treatment area to test. A low-energy laser beam will pass through your skin and be absorbed by the pigment of a percentage of the active-growth hair follicles. This area will then be observed to make sure that the settings are correct. We will also check for any adverse reactions to treatment.

If the test is successful, the low-energy beam is then directed spot-by-spot to the areas to be treated, instantly and permanently disabling the active-growth hair follicles with each treatment.

When the procedure is completed, you may be given ice packs, cold water or anti-inflammatory creams or lotions to soothe the treated areas and diminish any discomfort. Keep in mind we also offer numbing agents prior to treatment if desired.

For optimal results, we recommend 4-6 treatments.

How Do I Prepare?

When you sign up for laser hair removal with Get Lazed, your physician will provide you with pre-treatment guidelines and answer any questions you may have.

Some things your physician will ask prior to treatment:

  • Wear sunscreen and/or avoid the sun 
  • Avoid pre-treatment plucking or waxing 
  • Stop smoking 6 weeks prior to treatment to promote better healing
  • Avoid certain anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin that may cause increased bleeding
  • Hydration is very important before and after treatment

What can I expect on the day of laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is an outpatient procedure. In most cases, patients should experience minimal pain and may feel a slight stinging sensation during the procedure. Most laser hair removal procedures take fifteen to thirty minutes, depending on the area being treated.

Your surgeon will follow the treatment plan discussed with you.
After your procedure is completed, you will be able to return home and resume your normal activities.

Aftercare and Recovery

After the procedure, you will receive detailed instructions about your post-treatment care, including information about:

  • Skin care
  • Normal symptoms you will experience
  • Potential signs of complication

It is very important that you follow patient care instructions provided by your physician. Your physician will also provide detailed instructions about the normal symptoms you may experience and any potential warning signs of complications.

Immediately following laser hair removal

Immediately after treatment you will have smoother skin and a reduction in the number of hairs in the treated area. You may notice redness or minor skin irritation after the treatment, but this usually resolves quickly. You may need to use specially formulated skin care products and/or a prescribed skin care regimen. Sunscreen is a 'must' on any treated areas that are exposed. You should contact your physician if your skin redness and irritation continues to see if there is a problem that needs to be treated.

Week two to eight

You may notice an increase in hair growth in the treated area as dormant hair follicles that were not affected by the earlier laser treatment enter their active growing phase. Most physicians recommend follow-up treatment intervals of approximately 4 to 8 weeks.

Limitations and risks

Significant complications from laser hair removal are very infrequent. Your specific risks for laser hair removal will be discussed during your consultation.

All procedures have some degree of risk. Some of the potential complications of the procedure are:
Allergic reactions
Damage to underlying structures
Unsatisfactory results that may necessitate additional procedures

Other risks specific to laser hair removal are outlined below:
Skin blistering
Changes in skin color and/or texture
Increased hair growth
Eye injury

You can minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your board-certified physician, both before and after your laser hair removal treatment.